Friday, 19 September 2014

Too Much Time For Reflection

I love sitting in CCIS and hearing people talk about plasma membranes or what X means in a certain mathematical equation as they walk by.

It's just really refreshing to be in the presence of people nerding out so hard over something they're passionate about. I mean, you hear so much of the "oh man I was so DRUNK LAST NIGHT" on campus wherever you go. Sometimes it's just nice to see people get excited about chlorophyll.

And holy crap, do I ever have the nastiest caffeine withdrawal headache going on right now. Actually, it's probably because I'm dehydrated. But I'm probably going to drink more coffee anyway. 

So, I was somewhat impressed with a small section of humanity today. During my bus ride home from university, a man in a wheelchair boarded and I watched as several people immediately left their seats so he had enough space at the front. Shortly afterward, a group of 3 or 4 people with mobility limitations boarded as well. Again, several more people got up and made their seats available at the front for these people. A couple of stops later, a woman with a stroller got on the bus as well. Now, the tricky part was that these people sitting at the front of the bus had to move to accommodate the stroller but they couldn't exactly move very far. However, the people in the rows behind them immediately vacated their seats to make room for them. (Social norms at work people. Can you see why I'm so excited about my Social Influence class??)

The best part of all of this, though, is that the people at the front of the bus began to actually talk to each other...

If you've ever been unfortunate enough to have used Edmonton's public transit system at least once in your life, you'll know that initiating a conversation with the strangers around you just simply is not done. The one time my bus seat mate attempted to befriend me by talking about our crapberry phones made me feel even more incredibly awkward than I normally do.

Anyway, I just thought it was rather cute how that group of people bonded in a situation not typically conducive to that sort of activity. 

Okay, enough procrastinating. I should actually finish writing about social norms in the assignment I actually need to hand in for that class. Guess it's time for another coffee!

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