Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Adventures In Dog Sitting - Day 3

Another day, another pee-related incident on the floor of the doggy daycare. Turns out, the person at the front desk wasn't talking about Georgie's excitable personality when she said, "Just get it all out before you go". Those are the words that she said, but what she really meant was, "Sure, just keep peeing all over the freaking floor. I love this part of my job".


At least I avoided pee-magedon in my car. That's what matters most to me, anyway.

Georgie, the giant canine goofball, soils the doggy daycare floors and literally jumps on top of the other dogs to be the first one out of the gate, but all of the staff who work there insist that they absolutely love her. And I get it. I really love this dog too. She plays hard, she cuddles hard, and she audibly excitement-farts when you're about to give her a treat. What's not to love? Right now, she is passed out and snoring so loudly that Teddy is glaring at her for keeping him awake and Mini keeps looking around all startled as if a train has just slammed into the side of the house. UPDATE. Teddy has just fallen asleep and is now snoring louder than Georgie. It's a very adorable snoring symphony up in here. I could probably market this as some sort of live music evolution of those "Cat Yoga" events and make a killing.

Speaking of sleeping and killing, I feel like there are enough bed-related disputes occurring between the house mammals this week that I could create a crappy cable show all about it. Instead of "Storage Wars", it would be called "Bed Wars", and 90% of it would consist of dramatic staring contests between cats and dogs competing for ultimate nap time dominance. I've almost got enough fight scene footage for the show's episode opening montage. Just today, I got caught in the middle of a very real fight between Teddy and Georgie because Teddy was sleeping on the dog bed and Georgie thought she could squeeze her enormous body onto the tiny open spot next to le chat. She was mistaken. Realistically, I probably could have reacted better than how I did, which involved me immediately picking up the cat in a futile attempt to remove him from the situation. All I actually succeeded in doing was providing Teddy with a more direct shot at Georgie's face.

I'm really killin' it at this pet sitting thing. I know I'm not the daughter currently enrolled in Vet School, but I bet my parents still expected slightly more competency from me. I bet they also didn't expect me to eat all of their sour jujubes. Alas, I cannot change the past. Some people have more self control than I do. Some people might also save this kind of weird stuff for their personal diaries. Me? Apparently, I just post my minimally filtered thoughts and experiences on the internet for all to see, embarrassing my family and myself in the process. #millennial

Until tomorrow, folks! Always keep your retractable claws handy!

(Couldn't resist throwing in one more terrible pun today... Sorry, not sorry.)

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