Friday, 2 February 2018

Adventures In Dog Sitting - Days 4 & 5

Day 4:

Georgie decided she wanted to give driving a shot today. Just hopped right into the front seat of my car like she belonged there. In retrospect, I should have just let her give it a go. I spent most of my day stuck in awful traffic and it would have been nice to have delegated that stress to a chauffeur for once. Instead, I got stuck behind a stalled bus on my way home. When I attempted to avoid it, I promptly got stuck behind a different stalled bus on my detour route. Wouldn't expect anything different, really.  #winning

Therefore, the lesson of this story is: if your dog wants to drive, let them.

Day 5:

The pets woke up at 5:15 AM, which means that I woke up at 5:15 AM. Y'all. I am so tired. That's why you're getting two days of material in one shorter-than-average post. They always say size doesn't matter, anyway. It's 9 PM on the Friday of an exhausting week, so I'm going to finish adding the songs from the weird abandoned mix CDs I took from the lost-and-found box at Enterprise to my music library and then Imma go to bed.

Just gotta remove the mouse toy from my PJ pants first. No, that's not a euphemism for that new sex thing all the kids are doing; Teddy just left a toy mouse on top of my pajama pants because he thinks I'm a terrible hunter and wanted to help me out. It's cute and patronizing all at the same time! He actually cuddles me at night now, so you know he's getting desperate. He's probably worried that his last remaining human servant might starve to death and he won't have anyone's leg to shred for chicken scraps. I feel so loved.

Anyway, my good people, it is time for me to cater to the furry nobility before getting some shut eye. There is a full litter box to address and a water bowl that has been empty since Georgie came home this afternoon after doggy daycare and drained the whole thing. Play hard, drink hard..? No, wait...

I'll leave you with something important to ponder. Do you ever think about how many people spend their Friday and Saturday nights vomiting? The volume of collective human barf must increase by a predictable amount on the weekend compared to week days. Someone has got to have crunched the numbers on this... OR, you could be like me and just think about these things instead of going out on a Friday night and participating in the drunken puke fest. There are pros and cons to both options, really...

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