Well, we're at the one week checkpoint. Only one more night with the furry goobers until I'm back to my regularly scheduled programming.
To celebrate, I figured we could play my mother's favourite Georgie game called, "What DIDN'T Georgie Eat?".
Your options are:
a) dirty tissue
b) dryer ball
c) yogurt container
d) her leash
Choose wisely. She only didn't try to eat one of those things. I'll reveal the answer at the end of this post!
Georgie and I went for a walk today since she doesn't get to go back to doggy daycare until tomorrow. On our route, we met another pupper who Georgie insisted on excitedly greeting by jumping all over her. The owner of the other dog asked me if Georgie was a "he or she", just as the two doggos started to brawl. Then he told me, "Yeah, she's not so good with 'shes'. Don't know why." No shit. Normally, I would have been able to yank my excited canine friend away with more ease. However, yesterday's shoveling extravaganza really did a number on my muscles. I looked like a very frantic person with a Tasmanian devil on the other end of the leash.
Since I spent most of today teaching dance, I'll end the post here with the answer to the question I posed earlier. If you chose option a) for "What DIDN'T Georgie Eat?", then you are correct! If you chose any of the other options, you can go ahead and hang your head in shame. How dare you not know her well enough by now that you couldn't correctly answer that question??
(Kidding. She totally eats dirty tissues all the time. Today was definitely an anomaly).
Alright, signing off! As always, only eat edible objects.
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